
Mac Daddy!!!

Yesterday I received by Fedex delivery the prize of all prizes, the treat of all treats, and yes it is technically Christmas in August for me so it ought to be the prize of all prizes right? As I pulled my special prize out of the box and turned it around in my hands the beauty of it surpasing any expectation that I had ever had, the sleek white casing and the emblem upon the top with light gleeming through it only added to the splender. I opened it for the first time taking in its new plastic smell as I laid my fingers on the keys for the first time a chill went through me, that's right I purchased my very first apple computer, I purchased a MacBook! I have converted to the mac world and after playing with my mac all day at school yesterday I don't think I'll ever regret it! For all of you contemplating the change, I would highly recommend it! HIGHLY! Thanks babe for letting me have Christmas in August... oh and Thanks Santa Clause!

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